Custom Electrical Insulation Tape Solutions: What We Offer?

We know that when it comes to insulated electrical tape, one size does not fit all. That is why we provide solutions tailored to the specific requirements of different industries, carrying performance and reliability and compliance with standards. We can only offer these customized solutions by using our technical know-how and being an innovator in product development.

Our electrical insulation tapes are available in widths of 10 mm, 15 mm, 20 mm, and so on, up to 100 mm with thickness varying from 0.1 mm to 1mm for clients to select the right specifications as per the demands of their applications. The dimensions of that volume range from automotive to telecommunications, with precision paramount when the introduction of electricity relates to safety and efficacy of electrical insulation.

We offer a range of colored tapes, such as black, red, blue yellow, and green that meet industry standards. Not only are fuels and lubricants colored according to their use, the color-coding helps remind (and whet) technicians’ awareness of safety compliance on installation grounds is assured. In addition, every color is UV resistant and maintain picture of those identifications for up to 5 years under harshest conditions so you can be sure approximately for entire working length of this tape.

PVC Free electrical insulation tapes for our environmentally conscious and compliance concerned clients, which are all covered by the latest EU environmental regulations such as RoHS and REACH. The Ps Floor Line Tapes utilize a new adhesive that delivers the same high performance without using toxic phthalates, making them well suited to use in contamination-sensitive applications in food processing and pharmaceuticals.

We are also distributing heat resistant tape that has a UL 94 flame retardant and capable of self-extinguishes within three seconds after catching air. This is a critical feature used in applications of aerospace and automotive, with fire safety as the priority. Two years of R & D created the product at the end of 1200 ℃ high temperature, also reduces potential fire hazard tape.

We show them that by sharing how we created a new housing tape with integrated thermal indicator together with a large energy provider. When the circuits are overheated, the tape changes color within a very specific temperature range highlighting this and hence has brought about a sea-change in preventive maintenance practices in this regard.

Said another way by Warren Buffett, “Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.” We adhere to this philosophy when it comes to offering tailor-made electrical insulation tape manufacturers solutions. We verify each tape to comply all of the technical specifications and add more safety options, full environmental compliance and economic benefits of the system.

If you are interested in an electrical insulation partner, check the market and see what our professionally accomplished engineers have to offer as your trusted electrical insulation manufacturers.

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